Rio Tinto Iron Ore
Simandou Project, Guinea
Custom design of heliportable RC rig and compressor composed of <400kg modules in collaboration with Maxidrill and National Compressed Air, Canada.
Capacity 28.3 cu.m/min x 70bar for reverse circulation holes, depth 200m, diameter 5"
Tortkuduk Uranium Project, Kazakhstan
Bit testing and consultancy on methodology of 12" RC holes to 500m depth for uranium ore extraction
Training of drillers in reverse circulation systems
Rio Tinto Iron Ore
Canga East Project, Guinea
Custom designed core drilling rig composed of <400kg modules in collaboration with Maxidrill, Canada
Capacity 800m depth at N wireline
Gulf of Mexico, MV Ocean Leader
Seabed stability testing project. Design and build of ship mounted geotechnical rotary rig for seafloor drilling at depths up to 200m, followed by management of the drilling program
Geocontrole SA / Sable Mining
Siguiri, Guinea
Troubleshooting core drilling in weathered iron ore, with less than 20% core recovery.
Revision of corebarrel settings and drilling parameters, adaptation of the bits with implementation of triple tube and concurrent training improved core recovery to over 90% in poorly consolidated and friable material.
Mincon and CMIC
Chadormalu Iron Mine, Iran
Trials of DTH hammer bits and review of drilling equipment and parameters for blast hole drilling to increase performance
For more information about our projects and how Stormbird can help you, please contact us